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Messages - Shouta Akimoto

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Hitoshi Mall / Re: Unexpected Encounter (Open)
« on: April 03, 2024, 08:00:08 am »
Sho and Sadie stood there wondering if Kusano would tell them anything about her friends and the people who were after them. Sho didn't think she would since he'd already asked Kusano earlier about it or tried to, and she wouldn't tell him anything. However, it seemed that Sadie speaking to the child did the trick, and she began telling them about the "bad people" after her and her friends. They both listened carefully, especially Sadie, who was trying to take as many mental notes as she could. But she and Sho were shocked by the revelation of what Kusano had told them. Sadie rose to her feet, crossing her arms as she took in everything Kusano had said. "Yokai Inc..." she said in a puzzled tone. "It sounds like a company but also not. At least, not one that's well known in the area that benefits the country of Japan in some way," she added.

Sho looked over at Sadie and said, "What are you thinking, Sadie-san? Would you be able to look into this 'Yokai Inc' that she's talking about?" He'd never heard of a company by that name. Based on the name, it sounded like it involved dealing with those who aren't human. He could be wrong, but he didn't know what else it could be. Sure, people do give their businesses quirky names, but in some way, it still reflects the company and what they offers despite that.

Sadie's look was serious. She was still thinking. Something about this didn't sit well with her, especially since she had studied Japanese long enough to know what certain words meant that weren't easily recognized by English-speaking natives. The name "Yokai" is what stuck out to her. It meant "monster", so it was a company that dealt with non-humans. 'A non-human company chasing after children. I wonder why. It couldn't be that Ku-chan and her friends aren't human. Even if that's the case, hunting them down doesn't make sense. Something is not right about this. But would she even give me more details if I asked? She seems very afraid of these people and worried about her and her friends getting caught by those who work for this company. Hrm.' She continued thinking for a little longer before finally answering Sho. He's the one who found Kusano, so she knew he was worried.

She heaved a small sigh and finally spoke. "I can't be sure. I was mulling over some thoughts in my head about what Ku-chan said. I'm going to have to say that you did the right thing in bringing her here. If you'd handed her over to mall security and had them call out to her friends, it would've drawn attention to all three of them, and all hell would've broken loose in this mall. That said, I don't even think we should involve the police, at least not right now. If what Ku-chan said is true, then the people who are after them are still here in this mall searching for her and her friends. We'd be drawing a scene here if we involved law enforcement. For now, we won't be calling them. And instead of leaving out the front of the store, we'll be going out the back to avoid being seen. Anyone who comes in looking suspicious and asking questions about her and her friends, I'll make sure to let everyone know to play it safe and say nothing. I don't want anyone innocent getting hurt. Whether customer or employee. My main concern is everyone's safety. We may be getting involved in something dangerous by having her here, but we won't be turning her over to those people if they figure out that she's here."

Sadie had to be on high alert now. There was no telling what would happen, but she felt something would. She had to call in employees from every department to speak with them about the situation, but one area at a time so they didn't look entirely suspicious, having half the store with no workers on the floor dealing with customers. Sho nodded, understanding everything Sadie was saying. He was even more worried now, not just for Kusano but for everyone in the store. They had no idea what these people from Yokai Inc. looked like. It could be anyone, but he knew that when Sadie was serious about something, he also did the same. There was still another problem lingering in his mind that he couldn't help but ask. "What about Kusano-chan's friends? We can't just leave them here in the mall," he said, then added, "I know that you're thinking this has to do with monsters. You and I are human, so we can't fight anyone or anything that is a monster. What can we do about that? These people clearly sound dangerous if she's so afraid that she didn't want to tell us about them. Probably out of fear of us being hurt. We can only do so much, Sadie-san[/b][/color]."

Hearing that, Sadie chuckled as she had an ace up her sleeve. Even if she didn't have her main ace, she'd always have a backup plan with the many connections that she has. "My dear, Sho-tan, did you forget about Zach? One phone call to him, and we'll at least have an arsenal that can withstand any monsters while we focus on getting everyone in the store to safety. As for her friends, that is a good question. We'll have to find them before things blow up. I'm sure they're looking for her if they split up to find each other later because they were chased here by people from Yokai Inc." Before Sadie could say anything more, her desk phone began to ring. "Let me get that." She stepped away from Sho and Kusano for a moment to answer it.

In the meantime, Sho gave thought to Sadie's boyfriend being of help with this situation. He would be useful, given the type of work he does. He would be more useful in this type of situation than they would against a company that specializes in dealing with monsters. How they did their dealings was another question they couldn't answer. Only Kusano could if she was able to. She would've been in worse trouble if he hadn't found her. He was glad to have helped her when he did. While Sadie was on the phone, Sho knelt in front of Kusano and gave her a reassuring smile. "Kusano-chan, no need to worry anymore, okay? We'll make sure to protect you and find your friends and try to keep you guys safe," he assured her as he reached his hand out and gave her a gentle rub atop her head. Despite feeling a little scared himself, he didn't want to show that in front of Kusano and scare her more than she already was. Sho wanted to be as optimistic about this situation as he possibly could. That's all he could do for now.

Ganza Strip / Re: Trolled Paths Crossed (Beatrice)
« on: April 02, 2024, 08:00:12 am »
Howard continued to play games on his phone. The bar was starting to become busy as the other hosts were getting requests one after another. He wasn't bothered by that at all. As long as the other hosts entertained the annoying women he didn't want to talk to, he had no complaints that he was being left alone. Pretty soon, someone should come and ask him to tend to menial chores. He'd rather do that over than assist the other hosts. Some of them were okay, but there were quite a few, especially the top host he didn't care for. They took the job so seriously that they didn't care if they spoke down to their coworkers and would make them assist them with their customers if they weren't getting any. Howard hated that. He'd gotten into arguments with them on a number of occasions about it. He had to draw the line somewhere. He's willing to sit with patrons or clean around the bar. What he wasn't going to do was help obnoxious coworkers, letting their popularity go to their heads.

Still distracted by his phone, he could hear some woman causing a scene over her reservation with a specific host not being in the system. That's about as much as Howard got out of it as he forced his brain to gloss over it and focus on his phone. It had nothing to do with him, and it was the host's problem that had the reservation set up and didn't inform his customer they weren't going to be out. They were only down one host who wasn't in tonight. Howard didn't care. Less annoying coworkers to deal with was how he felt about it. Thinking that he wouldn't have to get involved in whatever was happening, he'd been suddenly approached by one of the waiters who worked there, letting him know someone had requested him. Lowering his phone, his eyes were narrowed as he stared daggers at the young male waiter. "Seriously? You're just over here to shove me to the old cow that was Bitching at the door, aren't you?" he'd asked, his brow raised.

This was another thing this place did that he disliked a lot. Whenever a customer was difficult, and none of the other hosts wanted to deal with them, they shoved them onto Howard. Why? They knew he could make them never want to return to the host bar again and cause trouble. Sure, it was entertaining for Howard to put down an obnoxiously now and disrespectful woman who didn't know her place and understand where she was and that she also wasn't the only customer that existed. Still, he found it too easy, which was the problem. It didn't take much to rile the women up enough so they would get pissed off and leave on their own. He didn't see this being any different from the others. He'd be shocked if this woman was not only a challenge, but she'd rile him up enough that he'd dump a drink on her head, and it would be the other way around. It sounded intriguing, and he wasn't doing anything despite being annoyed and not knowing why the waiter came to him. He closed the game app on his phone and then put it away in his pocket as he stood up and approached the waiter

"Fine, whatever. You want to get rid of her, right? I got nothing to do so I'll bite but keep in mind, the ones you want me to get rid of, I get paid double for that," Howard told the waiter. "Now which table?" he asked. As soon as he asked, the waiter immediately guided him to the table where the young woman who requested him was sitting. Howard stood there, his expression not changing from his scowl as he looked at the woman wearing an outfit that showed anyone what she had. Amusing. She was hot, but just because she was didn't mean anything to Howard. A lot of hot women came here. They usually showed who they were the moment they opened their mouths. Just then, the waiter introduced him to the woman, and Howard's response was, "What do you want?" He didn't sit down. His hands were in his pockets, his shoulders slouched as his eyes remained on the blonde at the table. He'll see how she responds and go from there.

Activity Checks / Re: April Activity Check!
« on: April 02, 2024, 07:30:42 am »
USER NAME: Shouta Akimoto

CHARACTERS YOU PLAY: Bridget Pendragon, Howard Mably, Shouta Akimoto

REASON FOR INACTIVITY: Semi-Active, lack of muse and stress

Ganza Strip / Trolled Paths Crossed (Beatrice)
« on: March 24, 2024, 10:14:06 pm »
It was another slow night at the Gentle Fantasy Host Bar, and Howard was working his usual late-night shift. As he made his way to the dressing room, he couldn't help but notice the excited chatter of his coworkers. They discussed their upcoming requests and made plans for after their shifts ended. On the other hand, Howard didn't have any requests lined up. He wasn't surprised, as he wasn't exactly the most popular host at the bar. His crude and brash personality didn't appeal to most customers, and he often found himself sitting alone at the bar, sipping on a drink and wondering when his shift would be over. But tonight, he was only requested twice. The first request was from an Omega woman who was loud and obnoxious, and he openly told the woman that to her face. She wasted no time in requesting another host. The second woman was a Beta who was more interested in taking selfies than actually talking to him. Instead, she was apparently streaming herself at the host bar to her followers. The moment she did acknowledge him, Howard gave a swift middle finger to the woman's audience and said, "Eat a Dick." Then casually took a sip of the drink he'd poured for himself.

Of course, the woman was offended and requested another host to sit with, leaving Howard alone with his drink. But he didn't mind. In fact, he welcomed the moment of peace and quiet. Working at the host bar was just a part-time gig for him, and he wasn't dependent on the money his parents sent him. Although the bar was currently hiring, Howard didn't realize how frustrating it could be to constantly talk to people he deemed as stupid. As he sat at the bar, he checked the time on his phone and sighed in annoyance. He wasn't looking forward to whatever customers would request him next. He wanted someone who would actually be entertaining to talk to and hold a conversation with, but the only requests he gets are from women whose personalities he couldn't tolerate. Hell, even if he wanted a quick lay for the night to satisfy his needs, his Dick couldn't get hard for such insufferable women that he's come in contact with.

This made him glad he didn't work full-time here. There was only so much stupidity he could take from people. Taking another sip of his drink, Howard started fiddling around on his phone, finding a game he'd installed on it and starting playing. He could only get away with doing this for at most ten minutes before the others said something. Then, he'd be reduced to doing meager chores. It irritated him, but since everyone sucked at cleaning, Howard saw it as it gave him something to do, and he didn't mind Bitching at anyone that made a mess once he'd cleaned up. For now, he wasn't worried about it. He was entertaining himself in the meantime. Between either getting requested or doing chores, Howard was waiting for whichever came first.

Western District / Re: Just Breathe (Open/Mature)
« on: March 23, 2024, 04:18:35 pm »
Grunting, Bridget got the hint from Kuri that she was okay and that he could move faster, which he'd proceeded to do. With no hesitation, he pulled out partially before fully entering her swiftly. The slow and steady pace that he was going at earlier had sped up, enjoying being inside of her fully. Breaking their kiss once again, he buried his face in the crock of her neck, placing kisses on her scent gland. Her scent releasing and mixing with his own excited him more, causing him to release a deep growl as he held her close and continued his movements. Bridget's hands gripped Kuri's hips, guiding her movements as he buried himself deeper inside of her. He felt as if Kuri's scent consumed his senses, driving him further into a frenzy of desire, so much so that he could feel himself beginning to knot inside of her.

As much as he wanted to let go and release the amount of pent-up energy he had, Bridget stayed in control of himself, not wanting to come too soon and ruin the experience. But also, the topic of claiming her as his partner never came up. Sure, he loved Kuri, and she returned his feelings, but a part of him was worried that if he marked her, she would be upset with him if she wasn't ready. He didn't want that. Bridget cared about her too much to do that. He continued kissing her scent gland, his pants growing louder as his speed picked up, driving himself further inside of her. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out. Realizing this, he finally decided to say something. "K-Kuri, I'm c-close," he mumbled into her neck. Not hesitating at all to glide his tongue over her scent gland. He'd only bond with her if she allowed him to. As much as his Alpha wants this, Bridget knows deep down that it should be openly discussed.

The two of them mating like this happened on a whim. He hadn't expected her to be with him during his Rut. He would've been fine if she'd left him alone if she needed to head back to her own room, but she didn't do that, and his instincts took over. Bridget didn't want his Alpha instincts clouding his judgments during his process. Despite his inner Alpha practically begging him to bond with Kuri, Bridget refused to listen and kept himself in control as much as possible. However, he couldn't stop himself from saying what he truly felt during this moment with her. "I love you, K-Kuri. P-Please stay with me forever. Be mine," he whispered into her ear. These were words he'd never said before in his life to anyone. He didn't regret saying them at all.

Activity Checks / Re: February Activity Check!
« on: February 07, 2024, 10:15:00 am »
USER NAME: Shouta Akimoto

CHARACTERS YOU PLAY: Shouta Akimoto, Bridget Pendragon, Sadie Mably

REASON FOR INACTIVITY: Semi-Active, writer's block due to work and house hunting. x.x

First Floor Rooms / Re: Dispelling Mystery?
« on: December 29, 2023, 10:46:13 am »
Sadie felt her eyes go widen and her grin spread as she felt Zach driving his Dick inside of her. Who knew that Sadie could find someone like him? Where they could both push each other's buttons while reaching new levels of pleasure. Their chemistry in bed was unmatched compared to that of an Alpha and Omega pair. It was a thrilling thought. But right now, she wanted to focus on her and Zach's pleasure. While Zach continued to pound himself inside her, she continued to ride him with pure abandon as she moved her hips in sync with his. With each thrust, she let out a moan, begging for more. "Yes! Yes! Fuck! Yes!" Sadie cried out, her voice filled with desire. God, after this, the two of them were going to be so sore and starving for food. But it was worth it. Sadie loved this man so much that she'd let him have her all night if he wanted. That's just how much she loved having Zach inside of her. She even allowed him to be rough with her and take the lead during their sessions if he wanted. That's just how fun and how much it felt so good being with him. Her mint and cucumber scent started to fill the room further, leaning her head back as she couldn't help but enjoy the pleasure she was feeling.

Western District / Re: Just Breathe (Open/Mature)
« on: December 29, 2023, 10:20:01 am »
Bridget held onto Kuri as the kiss they shared lasted up until he felt his length push fully inside her, the tightness of her entrance causing him to break their kiss and groan. He wanted so much to move inside her but when he felt her press her breasts against his chest while resting against him. He heard her small cry of pain, causing the blonde young man to worry and hold her closer to him. "I won't move until you're ready," he spoke breathlessly. His voice was shaky, his scent getting stronger and mixing with the citric fragrance of Kuri's.

He couldn't help but bury his face into the crook of her neck again, finding himself unable to resist her scent. He did his best to hold his composure. Everything in him trying to keep from claiming Kuri. She may have returned his feelings but Bridget couldn't be certain that she was ready for the lifetime commitment of being with him forever. Never before had he thought about that regarding anyone. Rather, he'd never had the opportunity because he allowed his fear to hold him back. Kuri was the only one he allowed by his side because she wasn't afraid of him or his powers.

It is because of her that he didn't have to worry so much thinking about them. Even now, Bridget felt like he wouldn't be able to live without her. His thoughts were interrupted when Kuri pulled away from him, only to bring her hand close to his face, her lips formed into a smile. His mind was brought back to this moment as he didn't take his eyes off of her and the words that came from her lips made his eyes widen in surprise. Bridget had been told it was okay for him to move. There was no reason to doubt her. She would've changed her mind sooner before they'd gotten this far. He trusted the brunette's word.

He laced his fingers through the strands of her hair, bringing their lips together once more as he continued to hold onto her. With no hesitation, Bridget began to move his hips. His movements were slow and gentle. He released yet another groan as he couldn't help but find himself enjoying the feeling of moving inside of Kuri. He kept this steady pace and would only go faster if Kuri could handle it. He wouldn't do so unless she said so. As much as his inner Alpha wanted him to pile drive inside of her, he controlled himself. He was in no rush for this to end. He rather much enjoyed the feeling of being this close to Kuri.

First Floor Rooms / Re: Dispelling Mystery?
« on: November 12, 2023, 11:26:36 am »
Zach's thrust had been so strong that Sadie could feel the cheeks of her ass wobbling from the force, making her moan even louder. Sweat was glossed all over her skin, from her ass to her breasts; there it was. Her breasts continued to bounce, but she was able to keep herself braced to take all of him in as she'd done many times before. Her cucumber and mint scent spread throughout the room as she moved her hips up and down on Zach's shaft while feeling him thrust more inside of her. It felt so Damn good. She couldn't get enough. Sadie loved this man so much; it felt so nice to know he felt the same about her. She wanted no one else, just him. Her pants were growing heavy as she continued to rock her hips even faster, looking down at him and hearing him exclaim how gorgeous she was. It brought her lips into a wide grin. "You Damn right, I'm gorgeous! N-Now, f-fuck me faster! That's an order!" she moaned, leaning her head back as she allowed herself to be taken in by the pleasure she was receiving and feeling.

Hitoshi Mall / Re: Unexpected Encounter (Open)
« on: November 08, 2023, 08:24:49 am »
Sho followed Sadie in the back to her office while holding onto Kusano's hand. Once they reached her office, Sadie opened the door, holding it open for Sho and Kusano to enter first while following suit behind them. She made sure to close the door behind her as well. Sadie's office wasn't extravagant but spacious enough for multiple people to fit in. Her office is where she normally held her interviews when she felt the store was in need of an extra pair of hands. It was decorated with her favorite things, but of course, it was work-appropriate. She had fake plants in her office, but she had a clothing rack set off to the side with her favorite outfits she loved to wear during certain times of the year. All the outfits were neatly organized in order for such occasions. She also had a small round desk set off in the corner of her office with a small fake plant sitting in the middle of it and three chairs circled around it.

Sho carefully sat the food he'd bought for Kusano on the table first and then picked her up in his arms, pulled out one of the chairs and sat her down in it. Gently, he rubbed her atop her head while smiling. "You can sit here and eat while me and Sadie-san talk, okay?" he said to her before leaving her to eat and headed toward Sadie's desk, where he sat down in a chair across from her. He felt a tad exhausted, but that was from the previous activity of his current work day finally settling in and catching up with him. It didn't look like he'd be doing much today since he needed to keep an eye on Kusano. The poor child was really scared, and he didn't want to leave her alone. He couldn't ask Sadie to do that since she had her own work to do as well. That wouldn't be right. The most he could do right now is discuss what to do going forward.

In the meantime, Sadie was already seated with one leg crossed over the other as she glanced in Kusano's direction briefly, then shifted her gaze back onto Sho. "Well, I have to say, you're pretty amazing, Sho-tan, for not leaving that little girl alone," she started but continued further, "But did she tell you anything? Where was she from? Where are her parents?" Sadie asked. As commemorable as it is that Sho found the child and brought her with him so she wouldn't get taken by any strangers, there was still the concern of if they were to reach out to the police, could they really help? They had to give something to the officers for them to be able to help properly. Of course, they would still take the child and make sure she was properly cared for, but Sadie was still worried they'd ask more questions that neither she nor Sho could answer. It's why she was prodding him with questions now because the police would do the same thing.

Sho expected that question, but he shook his head and placed his hands in his lap, sighing tiredly. "A-Ano, she didn't say anything about her parents," he told her, but continued, "But she did say something to me when I found her that has me a little concerned." He frowned. He didn't know how to really explain it, but telling Sadie what Kusano said to him earlier may put her on edge. They might've unintentionally gotten involved in something that has nothing to do with them but everything to do with Kusano and her friends, whom he'd yet to find.

Sadie raised her brow at Sho's words. "Oh? What did she say to you?"

"I offered to take her to the security booth to help her find her family, but she didn't want me to do that. She said she didn't want the 'bad' people to find her and her friends. So, there's more than just here that's alone here in the mall. I don't know how many because she didn't tell me. She clearly didn't want any attention drawn to her." Sho had stopped speaking, taking a moment to look behind him to check on Kusano, who was still sitting at the table where he'd placed her so she could eat along with her kitten. He then turned to focus his attention back on Sadie. "Sadie-san ... I don't like assuming the worst, but I just really think that someone is after her and her friends," he told her.

Sadie listened to Sho and could tell through his words that he was worried about the little girl he found. What he said next surprised her. The sandy-haired blonde didn't know what to say to that. Who could be after children and why? Outside of creepy pedophiles, that's the only thing that came to mind. 'That's such a generic reason to be after children. There's something more going on here, but if she didn't tell Sho-tan much, we don't have anything to go off of to tell the police. Would it even be safe to do that, depending on who is after her and her friends? Hmm.' Sadie let her thoughts ponder, but she had to find out what the little girl said for Sho to come to the conclusion that he did. The expression on her face was serious as she looked at him. "Sho-tan, did this child say something in particular that would make you think that? Also, were she and her friends with any adults before you found her? If she mentioned it that is,'" she asked him.

Sho frowned, expecting Sadie to ask that question, but he knew there was no way around answering it. He only had what Kusano said to him when he first suggested reaching out for help to find whomever she was with. "She said she didn't want me to call anyone because she didn't want the 'bad people' to find her and her friends. I believe ... she was only with her friends. She only mentioned her parents when I asked her about her kitten. She never was able to give it a name after they gave it to her. I don't think they were with her and her friends. I think they were here alone and running away from 'bad people'," he explained.

Sadie would be lying to say she was surprised. She wasn't. There were too many holes and not enough information to go off of, but she knew something was amiss with this little girl. Not only that, but there were other children involved besides her. They needed to be found so she could find out what was happening. After all, they can't just roam around the mall by themselves. That alone would draw attention onto them even if they were running away from 'bad people'. "Give me a moment, would you, Sho-tan?" she finally spoke up after a long moment of silence. Sadie got up from her desk and headed toward the table where Kusano was seated. There was no telling how long she was alone and separated from her friends, but if they were in trouble, they needed to find them and keep them somewhere safe. She knelt down to Kusano's height and flashed her a warm smile. "Hey, sweetie, my name is Sadie, and I want to be able to help you. Sho-tan tells me you and your friends are in trouble. Can you tell me what kind? Maybe we can do something to protect you guys and get you somewhere safe," she said to Kusano.

Sho said nothing. He watched as Sadie tried to talk to Kusano to see if she could get more information from her so they could figure out how to help her and her friends once they found where they were.

Activity Checks / Re: November Activity Check!
« on: November 02, 2023, 02:29:40 pm »
USER NAME: Shouta Akimoto

CHARACTERS YOU PLAY: Shouta Akimoto, Sadie Mably, Bridget Pendragon

REASON FOR INACTIVITY: Semi-Active, going through a writer's block spell and going through something medically that's currently stressing me out.

Activity Checks / Re: September Activity Check!
« on: September 09, 2023, 04:39:46 pm »
USER NAME: Shouta Akimoto

CHARACTERS YOU PLAY: Sadie Mably, Bridget Pendragon, Shouta Akimoto

REASON FOR INACTIVITY: Semi-Active, work has been killing my muse.

Activity Checks / Re: August Activity Check!
« on: July 29, 2023, 08:14:37 pm »
USER NAME: Shouta Akimoto

CHARACTERS YOU PLAY: Bridget Pendragon, Shouta Akimoto, Sadie Mably

REASON FOR INACTIVITY: Semi-Active, work frying my brain but getting to responses when I can think of responses.

First Floor Rooms / Re: Dispelling Mystery?
« on: July 26, 2023, 06:29:33 pm »
Sadie placed her hands onto Zach's broad shoulders, gasping as he began to drive himself inside of her. God, how she loved feeling him inside of her. She couldn't get enough of it. Her scent made the air around them smell as if someone was making a hot and steamy salad. The thought was amusing, but she knew that Zach loved her scent. She had no qualms about releasing it, letting him know, and making him aware that she'd do it for him. In a sense, marking him as her own and no one else. She stared into his deep brown eyes, losing herself in the rhythmic pounding of Zach thrusting inside her. Her mind was free of all thoughts outside of the man she loved. Her moans echoed throughout the room, her breathing quickened, and her toes curled into the sheets as she was so into the pleasure she was feeling. She bounced up and down as she felt Zach continuing to drive himself inside her, her large breasts bouncing along with her. She was so unbelievably turned on that she cried out Zach's name while egging him on to make her feel good. "A-Ahh! Fuck yes! More! N-Nghn!"

Western District / Re: Just Breathe (Open/Mature)
« on: July 26, 2023, 04:55:43 pm »
Bridget had expected Kuri to say maybe they shouldn't continue. It's not as if there weren't other ways she could pleasure him that didn't involve penetration. As much as he desired that, he wouldn't force that onto her. Just being here with her was enough for him. He appreciated that she cared so much about him that she was willing to spend tonight with him to help with his Rut. He'd originally prepared to spend it alone, but his family had other ideas and thought it would be better for him to go to the Amestia House so he wouldn't be alone. That didn't turn out well for him. No doubt they'll be looking for Bridget all night. They'll probably give up after a while and continue tomorrow, but he didn't know if he'll be in his right mind to answer questions about what happened. He just knew he hadn't meant to hurt the woman with his powers.

He was grateful that Kuri had been awake still and was able to help him. He wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for her. He wanted to show her just how much he loved and appreciated her. It remained silent between them for moments longer until the brunette caught him by surprise, making Bridget blink in confusion. He was positioned to be seated back against the sofa. He'd assumed that Kuri had decided they shouldn't go through with it since they didn't have protection. However, that had not been the case. She positioned herself to where she was straddled over his waist, her arms retook their place around his neck, and their lips were connected again. He loved her scent. Its fruity and citrus nature would make anyone feel as if they were eating the bergamot orange fruit that was her scent.

Bridget positioned his hands on Kuri's waist, realizing what she was doing, she'd begun to push his length inside of her slowly, something else he hadn't thought she would do. He didn't feel as if he'd stretched her enough with his fingers, yet here she was, allowing him to become one with her. Bridget groaned at the feeling of his Dick slipping inside her wetness. The Alpha in him wanted Bridget to push himself inside of Kuri, but he fought this urge. He wanted to take it slow because he didn't want to hurt her. His mind was wrapped up in Kuri's scent, their kissing, and finally being able to feel what it was like to be inside of her. He didn't move his hips aggressively, only a little so that it could be easier for her to slide down onto him. He knew it couldn't have been easy for her. He was halfway inside her and could feel the walls around her entrance tightening around him, causing him to grunt and groan at the feeling. Bridget wanted her so badly but he had to be patient. He had to think about Kuri over himself.

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RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name
RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name
RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name RPG-Name