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Activity Checks / April Activity Check!
« on: March 31, 2024, 11:12:06 am »
It's the last day of March, which means tomorrow is the start of April. Therefore, the April Activity Check is posted early to reflect next month. Currently, there are no forum-wide plots going on that all members are a part of, but there are some side plots that players have, and if anyone is willing to allow others to join if there's room for more participants, please don't hesitate to tell other players who wish to RP. In the meantime, make sure to log your activity for the Month of April. If you already did it for last month, you can skip this month's, but make sure to do it for May when it rolls around. This is all for now.

Code: [Select]
[b]USER NAME:[/b] (Main display name of your account)

[b]CHARACTERS YOU PLAY:[/b] (List at least three known characters you play the most that are REGISTERED that are in active threads. If you have not registered a character yet, you would put N/A.)

[b]REASON FOR INACTIVITY:[/b] (State why you've been inactive but you wish to keep your account to be able to RP and put 'Semi-Active'. If you have not been inactive just simply put 'Active')

Updates / Re: Updates of 2024
« on: March 31, 2024, 11:11:50 am »

1. Changed out "St Patty's Day" skin to "Default EL" skin.
2. Updated cbox colors to reflect forum colors.
3. Updated images to match the forum default skin.
4. Posted April Activity Check thread.

Playable Characters / Masashi Saito [Unknown]
« on: March 27, 2024, 07:34:39 pm »
PM/DM member of Staff if interested in this bio.

"Time travel is like a magic door that allows us to explore the past and future".

Name: Masashi Saito

Alias: Masa (for short), Mash (by his siblings), Time Agent Saito (Occupation Title)

Date of Birth: January 1st, 1982

Age: 42 (physically appears as if he's in his late 20s)

Primary Gender: Male

Secondary Gender: Unknown - Alpha & Beta

Character's Scent:
Alpha Scent - Gunpowder & Ash
Beta Scent - Gunpowder & Rosewood

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Japanese

Species: ¾ Human & ¼ Alien Nanotechnology

Hobbies: Exercising, biking, hiking, mountain climbing, drinking scotch, weight lifting, arm wrestling, hunting, camping

Alien Nanotechnology Physiology - Masashi's alien nanotechnology physiology is a unique and complex system that sets him apart from other humans. This technology was not naturally present in his body, but rather it was implanted by the Intergalactic Time Department who recruited him specifically for his assassin skills. The nanotechnology, also known as 'nanites,' is a collection of microscopic machines that work together to enhance Masashi's physical abilities and alter his body in ways that were previously unimaginable. At its core, Masashi's nanotechnology functions by constantly repairing and rebuilding his cells at a rapid rate. This allows him to heal from injuries at an incredibly accelerated pace, making him nearly indestructible. The nanites also have the ability to enhance his strength, speed, and agility, making him a formidable opponent in any physical altercation. In addition, the nanotechnology has given Masashi a heightened sense of awareness, allowing him to process information and react more quickly than the average human. The nanites in his body also cause him to look forever young. Despite being a man in his 40s, the constant regeneration and modification of his body's cells slow down his aging process. However, as with any advanced technology, there are drawbacks. One of the most noticeable effects is the manifestation of two secondary genders: Alpha and Beta. This is a result of the nanites altering his hormonal balance and causing changes in his body chemistry. The Alpha gender presents as a more dominant and aggressive personality, while the Beta gender is more submissive and nurturing. This dual gender presentation can be confusing and challenging for Masashi to navigate at times, as he must learn to balance both of them. Overall, Masashi's alien nanotechnology physiology is a double-edged sword, providing him with incredible abilities but also presenting challenges and difficulties in his daily life.

Gun Proficiency - Masashi has spent years at the Intergalactic Time Department, a secret organization tasked with preserving the balance of time and space. As a member of this elite group, Masashi was given access to advanced technology and training that allowed him to master the use of any gun, whether it be a weapon from Earth or from alien worlds. Throughout his time at the Intergalactic Time Department, Masashi was constantly exposed to new and powerful guns from various galaxies. He was given the opportunity to train with these weapons and hone his skills until he became a master of gunplay. His dedication and focus on perfecting his craft allowed him to develop a deep understanding of the mechanics and functions of each gun, giving him the ability to use them to their full potential. This extensive training not only made Masashi a formidable opponent in battles but also made him a valuable asset to the Intergalactic Time Department. Masashi's mastery of guns is not just limited to one particular type or brand. He has the unique ability to pick up any gun and master it almost instantly. This is a result of his years of training and his natural talent for understanding and manipulating complex weapons. Whether it is a traditional firearm or a futuristic laser gun, Masashi can wield it with precision and deadly accuracy. His expertise in gunplay has made him a valuable ally to other members of the Intergalactic Time Department and has also earned him a reputation as one of the most skilled gun users in the entire universe.

Personality: Masashi is a man of many interests and hobbies, all of which revolve around physical activity and adventure. He has always been passionate about staying fit and healthy, which is why he spends a significant amount of his free time exercising, biking, hiking, mountain climbing, and weight lifting. These activities not only keep him in top shape, but they also provide him with the thrill and adrenaline rush that he craves. Masashi also has a love for drinking scotch, which he sees as a way to unwind and relax after a long day. However, his love for physical challenges doesn't stop there. He also enjoys arm wrestling and hunting, which allow him to push his limits and test his strength. His love for the outdoors is evident in his fondness for camping, where he can disconnect from the world and reconnect with nature. Despite his tough and adventurous exterior, Masashi has a soft spot for his family. As the first-born son of the main Saito family branch of assassins, he has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. He has five other siblings, all of whom have been raised to become skilled assassins like him.

While he cannot interfere with their lives, Masashi would do anything to protect them, even if it means sacrificing his own life. It's not their fault that they were born into a family of assassins, and Masashi understands the weight of their upbringing. He may not have been there for them in the past, but now that he's back in Tokyo, he is determined to make up for lost time and be there for them whenever they need him. Masashi's job as a time traveler investigator for the Intergalactic Time Department is a testament to his intelligence and dedication. He has been working for them for eighteen years, possibly even more, and has proven himself to be one of the best in his field. However, his pride is both his biggest strength and weakness. Masashi is a narcissistic asshole who will do anything to prove himself and come out on top. He takes great pride in his skills and abilities, and labels such as acquaintances, friends, and buddies mean nothing to him. He has a difficult time trusting others, and this often leads to him working alone. Despite his somewhat abrasive personality, Masashi is a force to be reckoned with, both in his personal and professional life.

Occupation: Time Traveler Investigator

School: ----

Place of Living: Amestia Inn > Room #000 (choose available room)

Original or Canon: Original

Face Claim: Cowboy Bebop - Spike Spiegel

Appearance: Masashi is tall and lean in appearance and he stands at the height of 6'1". He has dark green hair and brown eyes, traits he inherited from his Omega father whereas his sisters inherited their features from their Alpha mother. Despite being older, Masashi is actually older. He still looks the same as if he were still in his late twenties. This is possibly due to the alien nanotechnology that made him pysically age slower. He is usually seen dressed in leisure suits and always wearing black boots. He often has a cigarette between his lips, whether rain or shine. Because of his line of work, his attire changes depending on his mission and where he is in order to fit in to the timeline he's placed himself in.

History: Masashi, the eldest child and first son of the Saitō family, was born into a life filled with high expectations and heavy responsibilities. From a young age, he was groomed to be the next in line to carry on the Saitō assassin traditions. His parents instilled in him the importance of upholding the family's legacy and continuing their influence within the Sendai yakuza branch. Masashi's entire future was predetermined, and he was expected to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors without question. Despite these immense expectations, Masashi's school years were filled with mediocrity. His academic and extracurricular records showed him as a lackluster student who was unlikely to achieve much in life. However, this was not an accurate reflection of Masashi's true abilities. He simply had no interest in conforming to society's standards and expectations. He didn't want to spend his life bowing down to those in power, especially if they were unworthy of their positions. He yearned to be the one in control, the one who made others tremble at his feet as they begged for forgiveness.

Despite his rebellious spirit, Masashi excelled in his training as an assassin. He was a natural, and his skills were unmatched. As a result, he caught the attention of other powerful families who sought to strengthen their ties with the Saitōs through marriage. To the outside world, Masashi was honored to be so highly desired. But in reality, he found none of these suitors worthy of his hand in marriage, let alone his bed. He saw them as mere plebeians who could never understand his true desires and ambitions. Soon after graduating high school, Masashi suddenly disappeared without a trace. There was no explanation, no goodbye. The his Alpha mother Tsubaki was forced to fabricate a story about his whereabouts, claiming that he had gone off to college and enlisted in the Japanese military. In reality, Masashi had chosen to leave his predetermined life behind and forge his own path. He was determined to break free from the constraints of his family's expectations and make a name for himself on his own terms. The mystery surrounding his disappearance only added to his allure, making him an even more enigmatic figure within the yakuza world.

Masashi's journey with the ITD was not an easy one. He had to undergo rigorous training and adapt to living in a completely different environment. He spent countless hours learning about different alien civilizations and their customs, as well as mastering new languages. It was a challenging but exciting experience for him. Being the first human to be recruited into the organization, Masashi felt a great sense of responsibility to use his skills and abilities to protect the current timeline and others. As he delved deeper into his work, he discovered that the current rimeline was slowly being corrupted by unknown forces. This only fueled his determination to recruit more humans and expand the organization's reach. Masashi's unique position as both an Alpha and Beta, thanks to the alien nanotechnology implanted in his body, made him a valuable asset to the ITD. The nanites not only repaired any damage to his body, but they also slowed down his aging process. However, this came at a cost, as he had to learn to navigate having two secondary genders. Nevertheless, Masashi was grateful for the advanced technology bestowed upon him, as it allowed him to adapt to any situation and heal almost instantly. His journey with the ITD was not just about fulfilling his duties, but also embracing his newfound identity and using it to protect the Earth and the entire Milky Way galaxy.

Masashi is just skilled in the art of navigating through different timelines, he's also proficient in handling all types of weapons. From standard guns to advanced and even alien blasters, Masashi has mastered them all. He's spent years training and perfecting his aim, making him a formidable opponent in any battle. He knows that different guns require different approaches, and he's always prepared for any scenario. Not only is Masashi equipped with a vast arsenal, but he also possesses a two-face watch communicator that serves as a computer and connects to the ITD database. This sleek device not only allows him to communicate with his team and access information, but it also has audio and visual features that aid him in his missions. But that's not all, the watch is actually a time traveling device that enables Masashi to travel anywhere through time. Whether it be to the past, present, or alternate realities, Masashi can go wherever he needs to in order to complete his missions. Masashi is bound by rules and regulations when it comes to time travel, and he always makes sure to abide by them. Throughout his travels, Masashi has encountered numerous greedy individuals who seek to manipulate and control the galaxy. But time and time again, he has intervened and saved the universe from their grasp. In his office, awards hang proudly on the walls, serving as a constant reminder of his successes and motivating him to continue capturing, interrogating, and overcoming the next obstacle that comes his way.

Despite his tough exterior and dangerous profession, Masashi is not immune to human desires. He has had many lovers from different female-oriented species, but he always keeps his personal life separate from his work. He never indulges in his lust until the job is done, and his focus remains on completing his missions. Many have tried to trap Masashi in marriage, relationships, or claim that he is the father of their child, but he always manages to come out on top. He knows the importance of not getting tied down and has taken precautions to ensure that he doesn't have any children until he's ready. Masashi takes medication that makes him temporarily sterile, giving him the freedom to focus on his career without any distractions. While he may entertain the idea of settling down and starting a family someday, for now, he remains committed to his job. As a time traveling investigator, Masashi has always kept his distance from his family. He felt that it was better for them if he stayed away, not wanting to put them in danger. However, a recent development has forced him to return to his hometown of Tokyo, Japan, and reunite with his siblings. It's a bittersweet reunion for Masashi, as he realizes that he has missed out on a lot by being away. But as always, his duty as a time traveler comes first, and he must balance his personal life with his job.

Saitō Family Siblings

1st Child Masashi Saitō
2nd Child Mao Saitō
3rd Child Miyako Saitō
4th Child Minoru Saitō
5th Child Masahiko Saitō
6th Child Momoka Saitō

Playable Characters / Mikako Saito [Alpha]
« on: March 24, 2024, 07:52:28 pm »
PM/DM member of Staff if interested in this bio.

"Poison and medicine are often the same thing, given in different proportions."

Name: Mikako Saito

Alias: Mika (for short), Poison Darkness (assassin Name)

Date of Birth: January 1st, 1988

Age: 36

Primary Gender:Female

Secondary Gender: Alpha

Character's Scent: Black Orchid & Black Licorce

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race: Japanese

Species: Human

Hobbies: Reading (different poisons and how they work), Listening to classical music, Training, Drinking, Protecting only those she cares about

Poison Touch - Mikako is a unique individual with a power that sets her apart from others. Her power, known as Poison Touch, is a force to be reckoned with. It is a power that is heavily influenced by her emotions, which can be classified into four levels. The first level is non-toxic, where her power is not in use, and she poses no threat to those around her. However, as her emotions escalate, so does the toxicity of her power. The second level is mild toxicity, where her touch can cause discomfort and mild symptoms in others. The third level is moderate toxicity, where her touch can cause serious harm and even death. And finally, the fourth level is deadly toxicity, where her power is at its strongest and can be fatal to anyone who comes into contact with her. When Mikako's power is active, her entire body becomes incredibly poisonous. This means that anyone who comes into contact with her skin, hair, or even her breath can be affected by the deadly toxins that she emits. This makes her a formidable opponent, as even a simple touch from her can have severe consequences. Her power is not something to be taken lightly, as she has the ability to control the level of toxicity based on her emotions. This makes her a dangerous enemy. One of the ways in which Mikako uses her Poison Touch is through kisses. A simple kiss from her can leave her target paralyzed or even on the brink of death, depending on her emotions at the time. This makes her a skilled seductress, as she can use her power to manipulate and control others. Additionally, her nails are also a weapon that she can use to transmit her toxic power. A scratch from her nails can cause intense pain and harm to her enemies. And in the most intimate moments, Mikako can also use her power through intercourse. This makes her a force to be reckoned with, as she can use her physical touch to control and manipulate her enemies, which she enjoys doing. The only downside to her ability is that it won't work on anyone who has an immunity to poison.

Poison Scent - The way Mikako's Poison Scent works is through her Alpha scent, which is a rare and powerful pheromone that she emits from her body. This scent is nearly undetectable to the average person, but to those who have been trained to sense it, it is unmistakable. When Mikako is in close proximity to her target, she can release this Alpha scent, which triggers a chemical reaction in their body, causing them to become extremely ill. The severity of the illness depends on the strength of the scent and the length of exposure, but it is always lethal. Mikako uses her Poison Scent to her advantage in various ways. She can use it to incapacitate her target, making them weak and vulnerable for an easy kill. Additionally, she can also use it as a distraction, releasing the scent in a crowded area to create chaos and confusion, allowing her to slip away unnoticed. Much like Poison Touch, this power would not work on anyone who has an immunity to poison.

Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Mikako is known for her expert hand-to-hand combat skills. Although her main ability is poison, she has extensive training in various forms of martial arts. This makes her a versatile and dangerous opponent, even when facing enemies who are immune to her poison abilities. She is an agile fighter that utilizes quick and precise movements to outmaneuver her opponents. She is adept at reading others' movements and weaknesses, allowing her to strategize and come up with ways to defeat them. She has come across opponents she wasn't able to take out so easily, and when she needs to, she can find ways to escape to live another day. She doesn't see this as making her weak, but rather, she sees it as stupid to continue fighting when there isn't a way to win. It is best to come back with a better strategy instead. Unlike most of her family, who don't mind taking risks, Mikako is the opposite. Wanting to kill successfully without risking her own life in the process.

Personality: Mikako is a woman of few words, and her stoic demeanor only adds to her mysterious aura. She is someone who is detached from her emotions, often appearing cold and unfeeling to those around her. This is not to say that Mikako lacks emotions entirely; rather, she has learned to keep them tightly controlled and hidden from others. She sees vulnerability as a weakness and has made a conscious effort to suppress any outward displays of emotion. One of Mikako's favorite pastimes is reading about different poisons and how they work. This hobby may seem strange to some, but for Mikako, it is a way to gain knowledge and power. She sees poisons as a means to an end, a tool that can be used to eliminate her enemies without getting her hands dirty. Her interest in poisons also reflects her detached and apathetic nature, as she is not bothered by the thought of causing harm to others. Despite her seemingly cold personality, Mikako does have a few things that she cares deeply about. One of them is classical music. She finds solace in the soothing melodies and often uses them as a way to relax and escape from the chaotic world of assassins that she is a part of.

Another thing that Mikako is fiercely protective of is her family, particularly her three younger sisters. She may not show it openly, but she would do anything to keep them safe and out of harm's way. Mikako's relationship with the Saito family, who are known to be a family of highly skilled assassins, is complicated. She is indifferent towards the outside branches of the family, but her closeness with the main branch is something that she takes very seriously. This is because she has a deep-seated hatred for Miyako, the second daughter of the main Saito family. Miyako had been arranged to marry a man named Kenta Nakashima, whom Mikako deeply cared about. When Miyako killed Kenta, Mikako's hatred for her only grew stronger, and she vowed to one day take revenge for his death. Her younger sister Maryn was also killed by Miyako, who attended the wedding, whereas Mikako, Mikiko, and Moka could not. She wants to avenge Maryn's death as well. It may not bring her back, but it would make her feel good knowing she successfully took out her killer. Overall, Mikako may come across as cold and insensitive, but there is more to her than meets the eye. Her love for her family and determination to protect them, coupled with her thirst for knowledge and desire for vengeance, make her a complex and intriguing individual. She is a force to be reckoned with, and those who underestimate her based on her stoic exterior do so at their own peril.

Occupation: Freelance assassin | Member of SPIRIT

School: ----

Place of Living: Mikako lives in a one-bedroom condo in the Ueno District.

Original or Canon: Original

Face Claim: Re-L Mayer - Ergo Proxy


History: Mikako's childhood was far from typical. Growing up in a family of assassins, she was trained from a young age to be a killer. The Saito family, known as the Senbai Yakuza's most skilled assassins, had a reputation for their ruthless efficiency. Mikako's family, a small branch of the Saito clan, was no exception. Her father, Gennosuke, an Alpha male, was the head of the branch family and took great pride in their legacy as assassins. Her mother, Kagerō, a Beta woman with a unique poison ability, was an outsider who had been brought into the family by force. The Saitos saw her ability as a valuable asset. They didn't have to give any offspring man-made ability and used Kagerō as a breeding machine to produce more Saito offspring. Mikako was the eldest of four daughters, followed by Maryn, Mikiko, and Moka. All of them inherited their mother's poison ability, but Mikako's worked differently. She was quiet and reserved, rarely showing her emotions to anyone, even her own family. She was close with her sisters but was indifferent towards other family members. Growing up, Mikako and her sisters trained rigorously to perfect their poison abilities. It was their duty to carry on the Saito family legacy and to take their training seriously. Mikako attended the same schools as Miyako, the second daughter of the main branch family, all the way through high school. Mikako presented as an Alpha, whereas Miyako presented as an Omega. Despite being cousins, Mikako and Miyako had little interaction.

Mikako kept her distance, not wanting to get involved in the politics and drama of the main branch family. However, everything changed when Mikako heard about Miyako's engagement to a young man named Kenta Nakashima. Mikako knew of Kenta's family and how he was the heir of the Senbai Yakuza. Mikako was unaware of the rivalry between Kenta and Miyako, but their conversations were very neutral whenever she interacted with him. Kenta would complain about his family's expectations of him, but he also understood them. He knew his role would be to take over once he graduated from high school. She could relate to having expectations placed upon her. Mikako obeyed without complaints to avoid angering her father. This showed that the two were close friends. Mikako grew to care for him the more they interacted with one another. She was disgusted upon hearing that he was engaged to be married to her cousin after graduation. She even expressed her disapproval of this to her parents, which was the first time Mikako had told them how she felt. This earned her a slap from Gennosuke, who reminded her that obeying and supporting the main branch family was their duty.

Despite her objections, Miyako and Kenta's engagement was arranged, and they would marry after graduation. Mikako refused to attend the wedding, choosing instead to watch over her younger sister, Moka. Her other sisters, Maryn and Mikiko, attended out of respect for the main branch family. However, the wedding turned into a bloodbath when Miyako killed many members of the Saito family, including Kenta and Mikako's younger sister, Maryn. Mikako was devastated by the loss of her sister and the senseless violence that occurred. She didn't care about the death of her parents, who had been complicit in the arranged marriage. All she cared about was avenging Kenta and Maryn's deaths. She was also glad that Mikiko made it out alive. The only reason she had was because she'd briefly left the wedding to call and check up on Mikako and Moka, only to return after the call to see that everyone was dead and Miyako was at the center of it all. Mikiko left immediately after escaping the tragedy, whereas Mikako was left as an empty and emotionless shell after hearing the news.

From that day on, Mikako's sole purpose in life was to seek revenge on Miyako. She left the Saito family and began training in secret, honing her skills and preparing for the day when she would face her cousin. She knew it would not be easy, as Miyako was a skilled fighter and had the backing of the powerful main branch family. On top of that, Miyako also seems to have developed poison abilities, which Mikako finds insulting and strengthens her desire to kill Miyako even more. She may be a member of the main branch, but after Miyako's actions, she feels that someone like her isn't worthy of such power. She has no qualms in proving that to her once they do come face to face and fight to the death. Mikako is not only determined but relentless. With their parents dead, she encouraged Mikiko to take care of Moka and live normal lives now that they were free of the shackles of their father. As for herself, she decided to live as a freelance assassin to earn money and keep tabs on her cousin. In the meantime, Mikako willingly works for an organization known as SPIRIT, which is a ghost-hunting organization with its name obvious what it all entails. Most of the time, she works on assignments alone, but other times, she will work with one of the other SPIRIT members, too.

She also discovered in keeping tabs on her cousin that she is after the SPIRIT organization but the reasons why are unknown. This is why Mikako became a member of SPIRIT. To get one step closer to her goal, which is taking down Miyako for the murder of Kenta and Maryn. The leader of SPIRIT is aware of her reasons, as Mikako isn't someone who will lie to anyone about her intentions. That is the only time she will be honest with someone, but otherwise, she will have no issues lying to cover her tracks if necessary. She swears that as long as she can achieve her goal, she will do whatever assignments SPIRIT gives her to do. As for her sisters Mikiko and Moka, their last known whereabouts were that they were living in the city, with Mikiko working a normal job and Moka attending high school. For their safety, she doesn't directly contact them as she doesn't want to give anyone, especially Miyako a reason to target them.

Saitō Branch Family Siblings

1st Child Mikako Saitō
2nd Child Maryn Saitō (deceased)
3rd Child Mikiko Saitō
4th Child Moka Saitō

Character Archives / The Unwilling Puppet | Kira Tenma
« on: March 13, 2024, 06:16:53 pm »

Eighteen • Human|Demon Hybrid • Alpha • Heterosexual • Hakoniwa Student • Yokai Inc Agent|assasin • Bio

Kira is a stoic individual. Although originally born human and had a family, she has no memory or knowledge of them. The reason for this is that she was taken from them as a young child, along with having her memories of them wiped. The corporation in the Yokai Realm that exists parallel to the human world and calls itself Yokai Inc. is the one that did this to her. Kira had been subjected to the life of a test subject where she was experimented on and used like many others to create obedient but powerful Yokai monsters they could control to do what they wanted. Kira was no exception. Her DNA had been combined with that of an unknown demon breed. Due to her life in the first Yokai Inc. facility, she grew up training how to use the newfound abilities she inherited from the demon DNA that was implanted inside her body, forcing her to grow horns as well as causing her height to increase from that of normal girls. She was nothing more than an empty shell that followed orders. She wanted to escape such a life, and the destruction of the facility gave her that chance. However, she never got that opportunity, for she'd been tranquilized and later awakened in the new facility. It was there she'd been given the option to have freedom in the human world, but not without a price. To be free, she had to agree to find the escaped test subjects, retrieve the more useful ones, and kill the others listed that they deemed worthless.

As horrifying as that was, Kira no longer wanted to be cooped up in a lab anymore and accepted it. They made the preparations to have her be situated in the human world, Tokyo, Japan, to be specific. She was left at an orphanage until the Tenma family later adopted her. A human family that already had a daughter but wanted another child. Kira was confused as to why these people adopted her, but her time with them showed that humans weren't so bad. She especially became protective of her adoptive younger sister, Ayaka. As for her mission to find the test subjects as she'd been ordered to, she was expected to still do that, but she was left alone to get settled in enough with the family that took her in only to, in a sense, have them be used against her if she didn't get to work. She'd even been tempted with information about her birth family if she does what she is told. They'll be willing to give it to her if she completes her mission. Her family is unaware of her past upbringing before adopting her, and because of that, Kira feels she has no choice but to do as she's been ordered to protect them. She has the files of the test subjects she needs to find, but when she has no leads on her targets, Kira has a typical, normal high school life despite being very different from other girls her age. She tries her hardest to attempt to be a normal girl but knows that she'll never be normal. More than anything, she wants answers about what her life was like before Yokai Inc. and to make sure the family she has now remains safe.

Befriending Kira isn't easy. Her past and current positions prevent her from getting close to anyone. She doesn't want anyone to die because of her since she is fully aware that there are dangerous monsters in the Yokai Realm, and many of the more powerful ones work for Yokai Inc. They have no qualms about using anyone she's close to to keep her on a tight leash. Deep down, Kira would love to make friends with others and feel normal, but as long as she is connected to such dangerous people, she knows that will never be possible. At most, Kira is acquainted with other people but isn't close to any of them. She's nice for the most part, but she knows that many find it difficult to talk to her because she doesn't open up so easily. The only person she is close to is her adoptive sister Ayaka and their parents. Protecting them is Kira's main priority over making friends. The fewer innocent people involved with her, the better is how she sees it. Anyone interested in trying to befriend Kira needs to be aware that doing so will have your character getting involved with Yokai Inc. by possibly becoming a target to use against Kira. Also, open to other ideas regarding befriending her as well. Feel free to toss what you have.

The obvious enemy that Kira would have is Yokai Inc. She wants to be free of them after having gotten used to living in the human world, being taken in by a human family and accepted by them. She doesn't want to go back to being locked up and experimented on like she was before when she was a child. They've also shown that they're willing to use her adoptive family as leverage if Kira doesn't do what she's told. As such, she's forced to track down the test subjects that'd escaped from the first facility and bring back to them the more useful ones and kill the others. Kira hates that she has to do this, but she's doing it not only to protect her family but also because the board of directors is holding information about her biological family from her, and she wants that information as well. Even if it's just to know that they're alive and doing fine. Kira clearly doesn't know the real reason why they want the useful test subjects returned, but she is clearly unknowingly a puppet in a very dangerous game. That said, if Kira manages to kill any of the test subjects Yokai Inc. doesn't want, it would probably be two to three of them. It wouldn't sit well with her and, of course, traumatize her, so that is something to keep in mind. They may be NPC test subjects that can be given any name that's mentioned, or if someone wants to write that scene out, they are more than welcome to be a part of that. The reason for the less amount of test subjects killed is because the goal point is for Kira to come across a target that is in the loop on what everyone at Yokai Inc. is doing, which would make her realize she's been lied to all along and her new mission would be set out to bring the entire organization down. So that means a playable test subject character would be needed. If anyone is interested, feel free to reach out.

It is possible that Kira was supposed to originally present as an Alpha when she came of age. However, thanks to the demon DNA, her genetic makeup changed to where she presents as a Dominant Alpha. This means that, like Dominant Omegas, she is more sensitive to the scents of others around her. She's more irritable, nauseous, and dizzy when her Rut is about to start. Her scent is also stronger, which can attract the attention of Omegas in the area who are seeking out an Alpha to be their mate. Kira honestly doesn't pay attention to her sexual needs in the same manner that most do. That doesn't mean she isn't aware of what her body needs during her Rut. It's just Kira doesn't actively seek out someone to spend it with and prefers to be alone, even if she doesn't want to. Similar to friends, forming a bond with someone would put that person in danger, so she actively avoids romantic relationships. Would Kira like to have a partner? Sure, if it was possible, and there was no chance of them getting hurt because of her involvement with Yokai Inc. Not against the idea of Kira having an interest. It just won't be easy. She's never shown an interest in anyone, and even if someone were to approach her, she'd feel very awkward and unsure of how to respond to a confession as she isn't used to such attention. She stands out naturally because of how tall she is, and she has visible horns on her head. Kira believes no one would see her in such a way, but it would be nice to have that proven wrong. To not be overwhelmed with the side effects that she feels before and during her Rut, she is prescribed much stronger suppressant medication. It doesn't entirely get rid of the side effects she feels. The medication makes it a tad easier to get through it to where she isn't left bedridden. So, if anyone is interested in a romantic plot idea, definitely all ears to see what others have in mind that could get this area started later down the line.


Records / Re: Job Claims
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:42:33 pm »




























































Records / Job Claims
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:42:05 pm »

Below are suggested occupations as well as existing occupations that are on the forum itself. Although many of these jobs will not have sub-boards made for them, this thread will help keep members informed of what characters have jobs and where they work. There will be many characters that work in the same profession and because of that, we will not only need your character's first and last name, job position, and name of the business they work for. An example would be Terry Cobb - Manager, Walmart (Full-Time). We will separate said jobs from commonly posted places in Japan like Tokyo. For jobs in other countries and cities, you will merely state where your character currently is in said country and of course, their job position and the name of the business they work for. You're all free to suggest any occupation that may not be listed.


Callidora Saito - Actor





Kuri Mazaki - Part-Time Cashier at Retro Game Camp

Ren Kagurazaka - Graphic & Visual Novel Designer



Nikolas Johnson - Mechanic



Beatrice Royle - Bartender, Club Skye
Howard Mably - Host, Gentle Fantasy Host Bar (Part-Time)
Tsubasa Shidou - Bartender, Club Skye (Part-Time)

Haley Russell - Online Blogger


Lillian Summers - Evergreen Bookstore, Cashier (Part-Time)
Sadie Mably - Evergreen Bookstore, Manager|Owner (Full-Time)
Shouta Akimoto - Evergreen Bookstore, Stocker & Cashier (Part-Time)



Jacob Reiki - Melody Cafe, Waiter (Part-Time)
Himawari Kunogi - Melody Cafe, Waitress & Cashier (Part-Time)
Makoto Kino - Melody Cafe, Chef & Waitress (Full-Time)
Miho Nosaka - Mani-Mani Cat Cafe, Waitress (Part-Time)


Asuka Tenjoin - CEO of Tenjoin Incorporated
Mokuba Kaiba - CEO of Tokyo, Japan Kaiba Corp branch, Representative of the main branch in Domino, Japan
Vincent Phantomhive - Representative of the Funtom Corporation branch in Tokyo, Japan


Callidora Saitō - Dancer

Milly Ashford - Sunny's Daycare Center Event Coordinator


Layla Hamilton - Practitioner at St. Luke's International Hospital

Katsuya Jonouchi - Professional Duelist
Rebecca Hopkins - Professional Duelist



Cristin Gray - Upcoming Fashion Designer
Koji Shimizu - Fashion Designer



Howard Mably - Heir to Mably Pharmaceuticals
Sadie Mably - Heiress to Mably Pharmaceuticals


Feodora Usui - Amestia Inn Manager

Asuna Kugimiya - Amestia House General Manager, assists Clients
Kaoru Yukimi - Amestia House Part-Time Housekeeper
Millie Sinclaire - Amestia Inn Prep Cook
Raven Nightwing - Amestia Inn Chef
Runa Kugimiya - Amestia House, assisting clients





Calla Merill - International Lawyer

Frank Copiel - IDDA, Investigate Department of Dangerous Activities


Akira Raine - Meigard Library, Stocking & Restocking Shelves, Part-Time
Yuuri Chiba - Meigard Library, Stocking & Restocking Shelves, Full-Time






Zach Green - Bodyguard

Akane Shirubātatchi - Shadow Broker
Akasha Kusama - Works as a Front Desk associate at the resort located within the Tokyo Dome
Giovanni Tempest - Owner of a PMC, 'Tempest Security' and mercenary
Koji Shimizu - Serial Killer

Callidora Saitō - Model
Hanjin Su - Models clothing his sister Cristin makes
Miho Nosaka - Model
Yoshika Kishino - OnlyFans Model

Kanna Otonari - Up and Coming Rocker, Stage Name "Mari Kyoso"
Minato Asano - Idol, Stage Name: "Sano Ito"
Nikolas Johnson - Musician, Stage Name: "Heavy Metal Druid"
Tsubasa Shidou - Musician, YouTube Handle: "Tsudou Music"

Rebecca Hopkins - Archive Intern & assistant to the Director of the Hanayashiki Museum
Shirley Fenette - Part-Time Receptionist at the Hanayashiki Museum

Beatrice Royle - Influencer
Subaru Anzai - Professional Online Cosplayer
Tsubasa Shidou - "Tsudou Music" YouTube Channel
Yoshika Kishino - OnlyFans Model

Abigail Kirkland - The Marvelous Hero Agency, Head Hero
Minako Aino - The Marvelous Hero Agency, Pro Hero
Polyxena Tomaras - Pro Hero at Flare Hero Agency
Dusan Libre - Founder and Leader of SPIRIT a supernatural investigation task force
Faust De Lavega - Operative with a cover as a delivery boy for SPIRIT

Vera Angioli - Modeling & Landscape Photographer

Bridget Pendragon - Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan
Calla Merill - American Politician
Kae Blackhart - Politician in Training





Yuuto Usui - Editor-in-Chief of Kageyama Publishing in the Ruby Department




Gentaro Yoshida - Pizza Hut as Cashier & Server (Part-Time)
Hanataro Yoshida - Brewster’s Ice Cream as a Cashier & Server (Part-Time)

Jacob Kaiser - Orchid Records, Sales associate
Usegi Tsukishino - Hitoshi Game Stop, Sales associate

Anzu Mazaki - Law Offices of Takashi and Tanaka

Hiroka Kamiya - Professor of Clinical Reproductive Biology at Kaibara University
Ryouichi Kenzo - Sunny’s Daycare Center Teacher Aid
Sousuke Leiko - Japanese Teacher at Hakoniwa Academy
Usagi Tsukino - Staff assistant at Kaibara University Campus Bookstore

Akane Shirubātatchi - Jeweler Shop Owner
Kimihiro Watanuki - Works Part-Time at Yuuko Ichihara's Wish Granting Shop
Mitsu Kenzo - Manager of Little Shop of Flowers
Shai Hana - Owner|Manager of Hana's Cosplay Store
Yuuko Ichihara - Owner of Wish Granting Shop





Shouta Akimoto - JapToonComics, Comic Writer

Records / Face Claims
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:32:56 pm »

Face Claims are arranged alphabetically by series name and character. Character reservations are allowed but they are on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is advised that before posting your bios, view this thread and make sure the claim you want to use isn't already taken. When reserving a face claim, members have a month to create and finish a bio for it. If you don't keep staff up to date on what's preventing you from completing your bio, staff reserve the right to deny your reservation for the face claim once a month has passed. Duplicate face claims are allowed but they can be used twice. This means the claim has to be recolored/changed to look different from the original face claim. Do NOT post a claim if your bio hasn't been approved or you haven't posted a bio for the claim. It will be ignored and/or deleted. 

Code: [Select]
[center]ANIME SERIES NAME IN CAPS - ANIME CHARACTER IN CAPS; [i]your character(s) name in lowercase[/i][/center]
Code: [Select]
[center]ARTIST NAME IN CAPS - NAME OF PLATFORM ARTWORK IS ON; [i]your character(s) name in lowercase[/i][/center]
Code: [Select]
[center]NAME OF AI GENERATOR WEBSITE IN CAPS (direct link to website); [i]your character(s) name in lowercase[/i][/center]

1 // @ # !



BLUE DRAGONBORN BY OHHEYITSKAYLAK ON DEVIANTART; giovanni tempest (alpha) (combat form)
CRISTIN GRAY BY FROST; cristin gray (omega)
SHOKUDAIKIRI MITSUDA BY TOUKENKS ON TWITTER; giovanni tempest (alpha) (human form)


AI ANIME GENERATOR; jacob reiki (omega)

A B C D E !

ARKNIGHTS - HOSHIGUMA; nimiko akuma (unknown)
B-PROJECT - AIZOME KENTO; subaru anzai (alpha)
BANG DREAM! - RAN MITAKE; kanna otonari (omega)
BLACK BUTLER - VINCENT PHANTOMHIVE; vincent phantomhive (alpha)
BLEACH - HANATARO YAMADA; hanataro yoshida (omega)
BLUE LOCK - TEIERI ANRI; calla merill (omega)
BROTHERS CONFLICT - FUUTO ASAHINA; ren kagurazaka (beta)
BROTHERS CONFLICT - UKYO ASAHINA; sousuke leiko (alpha)
CHIBI VAMPIRE - ANJU MAAKA; anju maaka (beta)
CHIBI VAMPIRE - KARIN MAAKA; karin maaka (unknown)
CODE GEass - MILLY ASHFORD; milly ashford (omega)
CODE GEass - SHIRLEY FENETTE; shirley fenette (beta)
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS - YOUNG BLUE DRAGON; giovanni tempest (alpha) (dragon form)
EARL AND FAIRY - RAVEN; raven nightwing (beta) (real appearance)

F G H I J !

FATE/APOCRYPHA - JOAN ALTER vera angioli (beta)
FATE/GRAND ORDER - ARTHUR PENDRAGON; bridget pendragon (alpha)
FATE/GRAND ORDER - MERLIN; callidora saito (omega)
FATE/GRAND ORDER - OZYMANDIAS; hiroka kamiya (alpha)
FROZEN - ELSA; isa olga suman (alpha)
FRUITS BASKET 2019 - YUKI SOHMA; yuuri chiba (omega)
GATE - YOJI ITAMI; zach green (unknown)
HAIKYUU - HINATA SHOYO; ryouichi kenzo (omega)
HELLTAKER - MODEUS; asuna kugimiya (omega)
Helltaker - Modeus
HIGH SCHOOL D X D - RIAS GREMORY; yoshika kishino (unknown)

K L M N O !

KODOMO NO JIKAN - MIKI USA; mana asakura (omega)
LA CORDA D'ORO BLUE SKY - HOUSEI TOKI; millie sinclaire (beta)
LA CORDA D'ORO: SECOND PassO - AOI KAJI; minato asano (dominant alpha)
MY HERO ACADEMIA - ERI; eri hayase (unknown)
MY HERO ACADEMIA - FUYMI TODOROKI; feodora usui (beta)
MY HERO ACADEMIA - IZUKU MIDORIYA; shouta akimoto (dominant omega)
NAGI NO ASUKARA - TSUMUGU KIHARA; raven nightwing (beta) (young & weakened appearance)
NURARIHYON NO MAGO - RIHAN NURA; nikolas johnson (alpha)
OMERTA ~ CODE OF SILENCE ~ - LUCA BELLINI; frank copiel (alpha)
OVERLORD - ALBEDO; runa kugimiya (alpha)

P Q R S T !

POKEMON - RIKA; akane shirubatatchi (alpha)
PSYCHO Pass - SHIO KARANOMORI; layla hamilton (beta)
SAILOR MOON CRYSTAL - MAKOTO KINO; makoto kino (alpha)
SAILOR MOON CRYSTAL - MINAKO AINO; minako aino (alpha)
SEKIREI - KUSANO SEKIREI NO. 108; kusano yatogami (unknown)
SERVAMP - TETSU SENDAGAYA; usegi tsukishino (omega)
SIGN LANGUAGE - GO YOHAN; hajin su (alpha)
SHUGO CHARA - UTAU HOSHINA (EYE RECOLOR); rebecca hopkins (beta)
SPY X FAMILY - YOR FORGER; miyako saito (omega)
STRIKE THE BLOOD - KOJOU AKATSUKI; kae blackhart (alpha)
TEARS OF THEMIS - MINASE NATSUHIKO; lucas kanejou (alpha)

U V W X Y Z !

UMIBE NO ETRANGER - MIO CHIBANA; kaoru yukimi (beta)
UMIBE NO ETRANGER - SHUN HASHIMOTO; tsubasa shidou (alpha)
UTA NO PRINCE-SAMA; CECIL AIJIMA; faust de lavega (beta)
VOCALOID - MIKU HATSUNE (CHILD); liron hana (unknown)
XXXHOLIC - HIMAWARI KUNOGI; himawari kunogi (unknown)
XXXHOLIC - KIMIHIRO WATANUKI; kimihiro watanuki (omega)
XXXHOLIC - YUUKO ICHIHARA; yuuko ichihara (beta)
YU-GI-OH! - ANZU MAZAKI; anzu mazaki (omega)
YU-GI-OH! - KATSUYA JONOUCHI; katsuya jonouchi (alpha)
YU-GI-OH! - MOKUBA KAIBA; mokuba kaiba (omega)
YU-GI-OH! - REBECCA HOPKINS; rebecca hopkins (beta)
YU-GI-OH! GX - ASUKA TENJOIN; asuka tenjoin (alpha)
YU-GI-OH! 5DS - CARLY NAGISA; haley russell (beta)
YU-GI-OH! ZEXAL - CATHY; catherine himeshiro (alpha)
YUURI ON ICE! - YUURI KATSUKI (EYE RECOLOR); jacob tsukishino (omega)
YUURI ON ICE! - VICTOR NIKIFOROV; koji shimizu (alpha)

Records / Paired Mates
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:21:48 pm »

Below will have the list of characters that have officially bonded with one another. Everyone must make sure that they're sure about who their characters bond with as once it's posted, it cannot be changed unless a player you've been writing with becomes inactive. That is the only time staff will remove paired characters from the list. Reply below when your characters have become bonded.

Paired Alpha & Omega
Sousuke Leiko & Usegi Tsukishino (Official Couple/Unofficial Bonded Pair)
Yuuto Usui & Shouta Akimoto (Fated Pair/Unbonded)

Paired Alpha & Beta

Paired Alpha & Unknown

Paired Alphas & Alphas

Paired Beta & Omega

Paired Beta & Unknown

Paired Beta & Beta

Paired Omega & Unknown

Paired Omega & Omega

Paired Unknown & Unknown

Records / Pack Template
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:20:24 pm »

Pack Name

Pack Leader: The name of the character you've registered that is the leader of the pack.

Co-Leader: Name of the character that is the co-leader of the pack who works with the Pack Leader.

Pack Location: Country and City your pack is located. It doesn't have to be in Japan. Packs can branch out and have multiple areas to set up in. If that is the case, state how many sub-branches your Pack has and their locations as well.

Pack Benefits: List all the benefits your Pack provides to those who are a part of it.

Type of Pack: State whether your Pack has modern or traditional.

Pack Members: List all the members of your Pack and their positions within it should they have one.

Pack Information: Members are required to post at least two to three paragraphs of information regarding the information about the Packs being registered. That means you have to provide the full details about the Pack you've created as public knowledge to the country and city it's located in. Do try to be as creative and explanatory as you possibly can so members can understand the Pack you're registering. If it doesn't make sense or isn't informative enough, you will be told to fix it.

This bbcode application form was made by Aly the Braid of Shadow Play.

Code: [Select]
[color=red][i][SIZE=4]Pack Name[/SIZE][/i][/color][/center]

[color=red][b]Pack Leader[/b]:[/color] The name of the character you've registered that is the leader of the pack.

[color=red][b]Co-Leader:[/b][/color] Name of the character that is the co-leader of the pack who works with the Pack Leader.

[color=red][b]Pack Location[/b][/color]: Country and City your pack is located. It doesn't have to be in Japan. Packs can branch out and have multiple areas to set up in. If that is the case, state how many sub-branches your Pack has and their locations as well.

[color=red][b]Pack Benefits[/b][/color]: List all the benefits your Pack provides to those who are a part of it.

[color=red][b]Type of Pack[/b][/color]: State whether your Pack has modern or traditional.

[color=red][b]Pack Members[/b][/color]: List all the members of your Pack and their positions within it should they have one.

[color=red][b]Pack Information[/b][/color]: Members are required to post at least two to three paragraphs of information regarding the information about the Packs being registered. That means you have to provide the full details about the Pack you've created as public knowledge to the country and city it's located in. Do try to be as creative and explanatory as you possibly can so members can understand the Pack you're registering. If it doesn't make sense or isn't informative enough, you will be told to fix it.

Records / Species Template
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:17:53 pm »

Species Name

Species Origin: Name the place of origin species originates from. Please be creative when coming up with names. Also, remember that some of the same species do not originate from the same place.

Origin Description: Describe the place of origin your species originates from in detail.

Species Type: Name the species type that you're registering. Examples would be Ghoul Type 1, 2, etc.

Species Strengths: In paragraph format, list and explain all the strengths that the species has.

Species Weaknesses: In paragraph format, list and explain all the weaknesses that the species has.

Powers & Abilities: List and explain in detail the powers that your species mainly uses and any drawbacks to those powers.

Face Claim: State the name of the face claim you're using for your species and the series it comes from. Also, state if there have been any edits done to said face claim that make it different from the original such as eye and hair recolors. For any images not from fandoms that are used, you have to state the name of the species, the artist that drew it, and the platform you got it from. If you drew the art for your species, then you would be listed as the artist for it by simply placing it was drawn by you. If you also post your art anywhere, easier to go by your art-handle and list where your art is normally posted. This is to make sure no one is stealing art. If you use an AI Generator, name the generator and directly link to the website. We have no issues with anyone using AI-generated art, so we're not banning it. Just don't lie and claim you drew it or you will be banned from using it yourself for doing so.

Appearance: You are to describe what your species looks like in detail in at least one to two paragraphs or longer. It isn't a requirement but you can use pictures as well. Please make sure your images aren't huge to where they are stretching and making the page scroll. The default suggested size can be 225x350. If you want to share more images of your character, please link them, especially if these images are too large.

History: Members are required to post at least three to four paragraphs of information regarding the history of the species being registered. If it is a purely made-up species you created, then you're going to have to provide details about this species you've created yourself that exists nowhere else. Do try to be as creative and explanatory as you possibly can so members can understand the species you're registering. If it doesn't make sense or is not informative enough, you will be told to fix it.

This bbcode application form was made by Aly the Braid of Shadow Play.

Code: [Select]
[color=red][i][SIZE=4]Species Name[/SIZE][/i][/color][/center]

[color=red][b]Species Origin[/b]:[/color] Name the place of origin species originates from. Please be creative when coming up with names. Also, remember that some of the same species do not originate from the same place.

[color=red][b]Origin Description:[/b][/color] Describe the place of origin your species originates from in detail.

[color=red][b]Species Type[/b][/color]: Name the species type that you're registering. Examples would be Ghoul Type 1, 2, etc.

[color=red][b]Species Strengths[/b][/color]: In paragraph format, list and explain all the strengths that the species has.

[color=red][b]Species Weaknesses[/b][/color]: In paragraph format, list and explain all the weaknesses that the species has.

[color=red][b]Powers & Abilities[/b][/color]: List and explain in detail the powers that your species mainly uses and any drawbacks to those powers.

[color=red][b]Face Claim[/b][/color]: State the name of the face claim you're using for your species and the series it comes from. Also, state if there have been any edits done to said face claim that make it different from the original such as eye and hair recolors. For any images not from fandoms that are used, you have to state the name of the species, the artist that drew it, and the platform you got it from. If you drew the art for your species, then you would be listed as the artist for it by simply placing it was drawn by you. If you also post your art anywhere, easier to go by your art-handle and list where your art is normally posted. This is to make sure no one is stealing art. If you use an AI Generator, name the generator and directly link to the website. We have no issues with anyone using AI-generated art, so we're not banning it. Just don't lie and claim you drew it or you will be banned from using it yourself for doing so.

[color=red][b]Appearance[/b][/color]: You are to describe what your species looks like in detail in at least one to two paragraphs or longer. It isn't a requirement but you can use pictures as well. Please make sure your images aren't huge to where they are stretching and making the page scroll. The default suggested size can be 225x350. If you want to share more images of your character, please link them, especially if these images are too large.


[color=red][b]History:[/b][/color] Members are required to post at least three to four paragraphs of information regarding the history of the species being registered. If it is a purely made-up species you created, then you're going to have to provide details about this species you've created yourself that exists nowhere else. Do try to be as creative and explanatory as you possibly can so members can understand the species you're registering. If it doesn't make sense or is not informative enough, you will be told to fix it.

Records / Character Template
« on: January 01, 2024, 01:12:37 pm »

A line of lyrics or a quote that fits your character here

Name: Your character's full name.

Alias: Nicknames your character are addressed by

Date of Birth: Month, Day, Year

Age: Character's age

Primary Gender: Your character's birth gender. Male or Female only.

Secondary Gender: State whether your character is an Alpha, Beta, Omega or Unknown. Characters presenting as Unknowns are individuals with their secondary gender glands removed/destroyed or they present having more than one secondary gender. Please explain how/why.

Character's Scent: Alphas - overpowering musky scent, Betas - calming/natural scents, and Omegas - sweet scents. Unknown - Scent glands removed or destroyed. Explain why they no longer produce a scent or if they still do, why it isn't produced normally. Make sure you give your character the appropriate scent that matches the secondary gender of your character.

Sexuality: State your character's sexuality. Not their gender identity. Those two things aren't the same.

Race: Your character's nationality.

Species: Your character's species.

Hobbies: List any and all hobbies your character has.

Powers/Abilities: This is mainly for those of you that like to register characters with actual powers. Explain and list each power that they have in detail.

Personality: A simplified version of asking for your character's strengths and weaknesses in paragraph format, please.

Occupation: State where your character works and their position within their job.

School: Only if your character attends school. You have a choice between the following schools: Astraea Academy, Seinan Academy, Hakoniwa Academy, or Kaibara University. You can also name a school that doesn't exist on the forum as well. Please make sure to state what year they're in. For university, need not only what year but their major as well.

Place of Living: You have a choice between the Red Fountain Towers which is a five-star hotel, the Amestia Inn three-star inexpensive hotel that offers extended stay, the Amestia House which is a five-star highly rated Heat House for those needing a place to spend their Heats and Ruts and finally the Red Fountain Apartments which is a two-part gated community. One community is for families and the other community is for single individuals that live alone. There is a claims list thread inside each board. You're more than welcome to make up a place for your character to live but let it be known that no sub-boards will be made. You're just simply stating where your character lives.

Original or Canon: State whether character is Original or Canon. Only use Semi-Canon when canon histories are modernized and/or there isn't enough info found on Wiki resource sites to create a full history from it.

Face Claim: State the name of the face claim you're using and the series it comes from. Also, state if there have been any edits done to said face claim that make it different from the original such as eye and hair recolors. For any images not from fandoms that are used, you have to state the name of the character, the artist that drew it, and the platform you got it from. If you drew the art for your characters, then you would be listed as the artist for it by simply placing it was drawn by you. If you also post your art anywhere, easier to go by your art-handle and list where your art is normally posted. This is to make sure no one is stealing art. If you use an AI Generator, name the generator and directly link to the website. We have no issues with anyone using AI-generated art, so we're not banning it. Just don't lie and claim you drew it or you will be banned from using it yourself for doing so.

Appearance: You have one of two choices: either describe what your character looks like in detail at least one to two paragraphs long or you can find a picture to use. Either is acceptable or both. Just so long as we know what your character looks like. It is not a requirement to use an image. If you don't want to or can't find one, you can describe what they look like in a paragraph. Please make sure your images aren't huge to where they are stretching and making the page scroll. The default suggested size can be 225x350. If you want to share more images of your character, please link them, especially if these images are too large.

History: All members are required to post at least four paragraphs or more. Three paragraphs are the limit if the history of your characters makes sense summed up in this amount. Please provide detailed information regarding your characters that are relevant to their history. There are no exceptions to this.

This bbcode application form was made by Aly the Braid of Shadow Play.

Code: [Select]
[color=red][i][SIZE=4]A line of lyrics or a quote that fits your character here[/SIZE][/i][/color][/center]

[color=red][b]Name[/b]:[/color] Your character's full name.

[color=red][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Nicknames your character are addressed by

[color=red][b]Date of Birth[/b][/color]: Month, Day, Year

[color=red][b]Age[/b][/color]: Character's age

[color=red][b]Primary Gender[/b][/color]: Your character's birth gender. Male or Female only.

[color=red][b]Secondary Gender[/b][/color]: State whether your character is an Alpha, Beta, Omega or Unknown. Characters presenting as Unknowns are individuals with their secondary gender glands removed/destroyed or they present having more than one secondary gender. Please explain how/why.

[color=red][b]Character's Scent[/b][/color]: Alphas - overpowering musky scent, Betas - calming/natural scents, and Omegas - sweet scents. Unknown - Scent glands removed or destroyed. Explain why they no longer produce a scent or if they still do, why it isn't produced normally. Make sure you give your character the appropriate scent that matches the secondary gender of your character.

[color=red][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] State your character's sexuality. Not their gender identity. Those two things aren't the same.

[color=red][b]Race[/b][/color]: Your character's nationality.

[color=red][b]Species:[/b][/color] Your character's species.

[color=red][b]Hobbies:[/b][/color] List any and all hobbies your character has.

[color=red][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/color] This is mainly for those of you that like to register characters with actual powers. Explain and list each power that they have in detail.

[color=red][b]Personality:[/b][/color] A simplified version of asking for your character's strengths and weaknesses in paragraph format, please.

[color=red][b]Occupation:[/b][/color] State where your character works and their position within their job.

[color=red][b]School:[/b][/color] Only if your character attends school. You have a choice between the following schools: Astraea Academy, Seinan Academy, Hakoniwa Academy, or Kaibara University. You can also name a school that doesn't exist on the forum as well. Please make sure to state what year they're in. For university, need not only what year but their major as well.

[color=red][b]Place of Living[/b][/color]: You have a choice between the [url=https://enchantinglove.createaforum.com/red-fountain-towers/red-fountain-towers-rooms-1438/][b]Red Fountain Towers[/b][/url] which is a five-star hotel, the [url=https://enchantinglove.createaforum.com/amestia-inn/amestia-inn-rooms-1436/][b]Amestia Inn[/b][/url] three-star inexpensive hotel that offers extended stay, the [url=https://enchantinglove.createaforum.com/amestia-house/amestia-house-rooms/][b]Amestia House[/b][/url] which is a five-star highly rated Heat House for those needing a place to spend their Heats and Ruts and finally the [url=https://enchantinglove.createaforum.com/red-fountain-apartments/available-apartments-1439/][b]Red Fountain Apartments[/b][/url] which is a two-part gated community. One community is for families and the other community is for single individuals that live alone. There is a claims list thread inside each board. You're more than welcome to make up a place for your character to live but let it be known that no sub-boards will be made. You're just simply stating where your character lives.

[color=red][b]Original or Canon:[/b][/color] State whether character is Original or Canon. Only use Semi-Canon when canon histories are modernized and/or there isn't enough info found on Wiki resource sites to create a full history from it.

[color=red][b]Face Claim:[/b][/color] State the name of the face claim you're using and the series it comes from. Also, state if there have been any edits done to said face claim that make it different from the original such as eye and hair recolors. For any images not from fandoms that are used, you have to state the name of the character, the artist that drew it, and the platform you got it from. If you drew the art for your characters, then you would be listed as the artist for it by simply placing it was drawn by you. If you also post your art anywhere, easier to go by your art-handle and list where your art is normally posted. This is to make sure no one is stealing art. If you use an AI Generator, name the generator and directly link to the website. We have no issues with anyone using AI-generated art, so we're not banning it. Just don't lie and claim you drew it or you will be banned from using it yourself for doing so.

[color=red][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] You have one of two choices: either describe what your character looks like in detail at least one to two paragraphs long or you can find a picture to use. Either is acceptable or both. Just so long as we know what your character looks like. It is not a requirement to use an image. If you don't want to or can't find one, you can describe what they look like in a paragraph. Please make sure your images aren't huge to where they are stretching and making the page scroll. The default suggested size can be 225x350. If you want to share more images of your character, please link them, especially if these images are too large.


[color=red][b]History:[/b][/color] All members are required to post at least four paragraphs or more. Three paragraphs are the limit if the history of your characters makes sense summed up in this amount. Please provide detailed information regarding your characters that are relevant to their history. There are no exceptions to this.

Red Fountain Apartments / Available Apartments
« on: January 01, 2024, 12:49:10 pm »

The Red Fountain Apartments is an established apartment community with two gated properties. One property is one bedroom and studio apartments for those that live alone and the second property is for families with bedrooms from two to four. Both have amazing recreational features to fit your lifestyle. Come discover your new home with us!

• Valet Trash - 7 days a week
• 24/7 Maintenance
• 24/7 Newly Renovated Fitness Center
• 24-hour fitness center, Spin Room, Cardio Room & Free Weights
• 24/7 WIFI Cafe
• Limited Gate Access
• Garages Available
• Storage Units Available
• Two Resort Style Pools
• Two Spas
• Grilling Pavilion with Picnic Area
• Breathtaking Nature Views
• Free Wi-Fi in Clubhouse
• Monthly Resident Social Events
• Courtesy Officer

A thru J Single Apartments [1-20]
K thru Z Family Apartments [1-20]
Apt A1: Mokuba Kaiba
Apt A2: Sadie Mably
Apt A3: Yuuri Chiba
Apt A4: Nimiko Akuma
Apt A5: Asuka Tenjoin
Apt B1: Akasha & Athena Kusama
Apt B2: Sousuke Leiko
Apt B3: Beatrice Royle
Apt B4: Kimihiro Watanuki
Apt B5: Sebastian Michaelis
Apt B7: Akira Hayato
Apt B8: Himawari Kunogi
Apt C1: Yuuto Usui
Apt D3: Vincent Phantomhive
Apt F1: Vera Angioli
Apt G1: Akira Raine
Apt K1: Tsukishinos: Danielle & Lucas
Apt K2: Cristin Gray & Hanjin Su
Apt K4: Mizunos: Ami & Saeko
Apt L1: Ashfords: Milly, Miya, Tatsuya
Apt L4: Hanas: Shai Hana & Liron Hana
Apt M2: Mana Asakura & Aunt Nodoka
Apt N1: Hanataro Yoshida & Sai Hamasaki
Apt N2: Polyxena Tomaras & Gabriella Westerberg

Red Fountain Towers / Red Fountain Towers Rooms
« on: January 01, 2024, 12:42:45 pm »

The Red Fountain Towers is a luxurious five-star hotel that is one of many famous well-known hotels in the city. We not only offer overnight stay but Extended Stay as well. There's a spacious dining area where breakfast is served from 7am - 10am and serve dinner starting at 6pm - 9pm. Menus for breakfast and dinner are provided in all the rooms and can be delivered at request to your room. We also have two pools where one is outside and one inside that is normally used during the winter months but we are willing to accommodate our guests and have both pools open during the summer. We also provide a large conference room for guests that have large members checking in that will need it. Cable television and wireless internet are also provided as well as an on-site gym. We're in walking distance from restaurants and shopping plazas. Rewards Members with accumulated points can also get free nights and discounts. Our check-in times are from 3pm - 10pm and check out ends at 1pm. To claim a room, just post below which room you want and what character(s) will be staying in that room.

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Amestia House / Amestia House Rooms
« on: January 01, 2024, 11:44:48 am »

The Amestia House is specifically designed to cater to the needs of individuals during their Heat and Rut cycles. As soon as one steps inside, they are greeted by the warm and comforting atmosphere, making it the perfect place to spend one's Heat or Rut. The check-in process is smooth and efficient, with friendly staff members ready to assist guests with their needs. Upon arrival, guests are given a warm welcome and are provided with a luxurious suite to spend their Heat or Rut in. The check-in time is flexible, allowing guests to arrive at their convenience. As for check-out, it is recommended that guests leave before their Heat or Rut cycle ends, as the house can become quite busy during peak times. Amestia House offers a range of services to ensure that guests have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. For those who prefer more privacy, individual suites are provided and equipped with all the necessary items for one's Heat or Rut. Each suite is designed with the utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring that guests have a comfortable and relaxing experience. From plush bedding to calming scents, every aspect of the room is carefully curated to cater to the specific needs of the guests. One of the unique features of Amestia House is the option to request a patron to spend with them. A patron is a specially trained individual who assists guests during their most vulnerable times.

They provide emotional support, cater to any physical needs, and ensure the safety of the guests. The patrons at Amestia House are highly trained and are chosen for their compassionate nature, making them the perfect companions. The rooms and suites also offer a range of amenities to make the guests' stay as comfortable as possible. They have a fully stocked kitchen with delicious and nutritious meals. In addition, there is a spa and relaxation room, complete with soothing music and scented candles, providing guests with a peaceful and rejuvenating experience. For those who prefer to stay active during their Heat or Rut, there is a state-of-the-art gym available for use. With its luxurious suites, compassionate patrons, and an array of amenities, Amestia House is the perfect place to spend this sensitive time. Whether one prefers privacy or the company of others, Amestia House has everything one needs for a comfortable and relaxing experience. So, if you find yourself in need of a place to spend your Heat or Rut, look no further than Amestia House. To claim a room, just post below which room you want and what character(s) will be staying in that room.

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