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Author Topic: Working Together (Yuuto)  (Read 555 times)

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Offline Shouta Akimoto

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Re: Working Together (Yuuto)
« on: January 30, 2022, 01:17:25 pm »
Sho had been in the bathroom for a few minutes now, crouched down on the floor, and hovered over the toilet while throwing up. Due to not having food in his stomach, everything that came up was nothing but liquid. That basically meant anything he'd drank before he'd come here including the Gatorade from earlier. There were other occupants in the bathroom but a stall away on both sides of him. He didn't think too much about it. Why would he? He was too busy vomiting up his stomach to worry about if they were uncomfortable using the stalls next to him as he was currently occupying the one he was in. He wasn't about to throw up in a urinal which would be disgusting but there were other alternatives. Eventually, he did stop vomiting and took a moment to sit down on the floor and grabbed some tissue to clean his mouth. Normally, he wouldn't do that but he was aware that the cafe was good about keeping the bathrooms clean.

So he wasn't sitting on a dirty bathroom floor. But he needed that time to get himself together. The throwing up caused his headache to come back full force, making it feel as if something was beating down against his skull. He rubbed his temples again while balling up the tissue and tossing it into the toilet and coughed yet again. 'God I should've stayed home,' he thought, leaning his head back against the wall of the bathroom stall. 'I don't usually feel this bad after my Heat and yet it feels as if I'm still going through it right now. What's wrong with me? Why does it feel as if I'm struggling to speak normally?' Sho only gave thought to this question today and it was only because he wasn't expecting to see Yuuto. Could it have been because he saw him that he felt the way he did right now? The young man wasn't sure. He was sure of, however, is that Yuuto's presence was drawing attention from the eyes of others in the cafe.

That also was making him very uncomfortable and it would explain why he felt as if he was stressing more so than usual. Due to his past connection with the other male and wanting to avoid causing problems for anyone. That included Yuuto which he believed had enough going on that he wouldn't want his presence adding more to that. Yet, he was getting this strange feeling that this didn't seem to matter to Yuuto. Like he was trying to welcome him into his space, into his life and as he'd told him before the holidays, he didn't care what his family thought about his actions. Now with it being the new year and the holidays are over, it was starting to strangely feel like the universe was attempting to bring them together. In weirder ways than one. It's enough when Sadie tended to meddle when she wanted and doing so as she thought it would be in his best interest. He did not want the universe throwing obstacles in his way that would be nothing more than an inconvenience. He should be used to that by now but that hadn't meant he liked it in the slightest. His head continued to pound while his body began to suddenly feel warm. That usually meant his scent was releasing whether he wanted it to or not. That or he just felt really sick.

Sometimes he could never tell. One thing was certain that he needed to get out of the bathroom before anyone came in while he was still in there. Luckily for him, the bathroom was empty, leaving him alone. Slowly, he pushed himself up onto his feet, using the stall wall as leverage to keep himself stable while he made sure to flush the toilet. He left out of the stall to wash his hands thoroughly before drying them under the auto hand dryer. Once finished, Sho took his time leaving the bathroom. His lack of energy made this balance unstable and he'd pressed his hands against the surface of the walls to keep himself steady on his feet as he exited. As he had, the hallway that led to the bathrooms was empty but they were separate from one another. The men's restroom down the end of the hall and the women's restroom at the start. He steadily kept using the surface walls to keep himself standing as he carefully made his way down to head back to the table where he'd left Yuuto alone. But he'd never made it there. Why? Because once he'd made his way down, a woman had come out of the bathroom blocking his path unintentionally. To where Sho had ended up crashing face-first into her chest. Of course, it'd freaked him out because he wasn't expecting anyone to come out and he also hadn't wanted the woman whose breasts his face was currently planted into to violently abuse him and accuse him of being a pervert trying to touch her.

Despite not having the energy to move much, Sho did try to quickly move from off the woman but suddenly had been unexpectedly pulled into a hug by her and made her giggle. She clearly had more strength than him right now because he felt himself unable to break free from her grasp as he made a noise of protest against this action. Instead, she pushed his face further between her rather large breasts and began to gently rub his head which sent a chill down his spine of how strange this all was and he hadn't understood why this woman was doing this to a stranger. Thankfully, she hadn't stayed quiet the entire time as she finally spoke up in what Sho assumed to be a soft and nurturing tone but he just wasn't feeling any of what she was doing.

"Oh my," she began, steady rubbing the top of his head gently, "your scent smells so good. And you seem sick, you poor thing. If you'd like to come with me, I can help make you feel better. It would certainly be better than you being outside and under the weather. No one seems to be taking care of you. Would you like me to?" the woman asked him, kindly and not aggressive in the slightest.

Sho was finally able to raise his head up to look at the woman that was speaking to him clearly, getting a good glimpse of her actual face and could see that she was smiling down at him but not only that, she'd been releasing her scent around him. With Sho not having placed his scent-blocking mask back upon his face, he was able to smell what was a mixture of Black Tea and Ginger. This was a strong indication that this woman was indeed a female Alpha. Normally, Sho didn't have any issues with female Alphas as they weren't ones that would harass him as much as male Alphas. That said, it is known that female Alphas tend to vary in personality compared to their male counterparts. Many tend to have the more nurturing and comforting traits while also wanting to pamper Omegas. Sho, on the other hand, was not someone who liked the idea of being pampered. ... By anyone. This woman was not an exception. And her scent was doing nothing but making his headache worse as he gave her a deadpanned expression while staring at her. "Iie," he was finally able to reply but in monotone, "I don't want any of that," he told her, hoping she would get the message and let him go. "Gomen for bumping into you but could you please let me go? This will start to look strange if other customers see us in this position and get the wrong idea." He wasn't wrong about that. On top of that, she was clearly affected by his scent and wasn't thinking straight. God this couldn't get any worse for him. Male Alphas were already a nuisance, he could only imagine how a female Alpha would react to being turned down.

The woman looked down at Sho in confusion at hearing his words. While she did remove him from her breasts and propped him up to stand, she kept her hands firmly on his shoulders to keep him from leaving. Though she did take a second to lean forward and get in a good sniff of his scent which was probably all over his clothes from possibly having released it out earlier but he wasn't doing so at this moment. His expression showed discomfort when she got close and she noticed that, so she moved away to look at his face, her smile remaining. "Gomen nasai, for making you uncomfortable. I am not trying to. But I can't help it but want to comfort a male Omega who isn't feeling well. More importantly, your scent tells me you're unmated so that means we can get to know each other and possibly become mates in the future yes? That way I can protect you, comfort you, and nurse you back to health," she'd asked him in an excited tone whilst reaching her hands down to carefully take both of Sho's and cup her hands over them as a blush became visible on her face.

"E-Eh?" Sho's eyes widened as he'd been taken aback by that question and the woman's eagerness in wanting to pursue being his mate which was definitely NOT something he wanted. Not only that but the offer made him also blush because it was an embarrassing thing to ask someone openly and they still DIDN'T know each other. Plus, he was also here at the cafe for something else that was not THIS. He immediately had to clear this up before this woman took everything the wrong way. He shook his head as he looked away from the woman. Sho didn't enjoy turning anyone down but how hard was it to understand when someone just wasn't interested? "Iie, I don't want any of that. I'm ... here on important business. N-Not looking for a mate or interested in one..."

"I don't believe I've ever heard an Omega say that before. You ... are very unique. That makes me intrigued and want to know you more. And you're just so cute. Pretty please?" the woman pleaded with him.

This left Sho conflicted on what to say or do. Normally, male Alphas got the message and left him alone ... when he struck them with anything nearby the moment they attempted to get aggressive. Female Alphas were a rarity but they were never aggressive. Just overly kind or in this instance, pushy. That isn't to say there weren't aggressive female Alphas but Sho never came into contact with any that were. Much like this woman, they were kind but unlike others, this woman had been heavily influenced by his scent and didn't seem to have any intent on letting him leave unless he agreed to go out with her. He was way too tired for this and he was sure Yuuto was wondering if he was even still in the bathroom or did he sneak out without being noticed and left him there. As humorous as that sounded in his head, he wouldn't actually do it. He'd feel too ashamed after. No, this was just normal bad luck for him but at least it wasn't a male Alpha causing a disruption but being cornered and pleaded with by a female Alpha didn't make it better ...





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