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Author Topic: Social Displacement (Open)  (Read 336 times)

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Re: Social Displacement (Open)
« on: October 14, 2021, 07:49:43 am »
Why was this guy telling him about some animal that was clearly a stray? Furthermore, why should he care anything about it? What was it supposed to do for him? Make him feel better? Hardly. It didn't make him feel better to be told something he was already quite aware of. Yes, everyone deserves to have some form of happiness but it hurts when that very thing that makes you happen is taken from you. Clearly, the blonde has never had to deal with that. Or maybe he has and he was only saying it out of some form of pity. Disgusting. Kaoru didn't want his pity. He wanted to punch him but he knew he couldn't go around just doing that to any random person. Not without expecting the consequences of his actions.

He'd heard the footsteps of the other male approach him but he still didn't move an inch to give him his attention. He was still going on and on about that stupid cat and where to find him if he wanted it. Why the hell would he want that thing? There are plenty of other people who like animals so it wasn't hard to find someone that would want the thing. As he'd heard him left, the young man did eventually turn his head to the side only for his eyes to look down and see the address written on a piece of paper. He continued to sit there and stare at it with clear indifference. What would he do with a cat besides stare at it and it stares back at him? It sounded like a waste of time and effort.

Besides, he knew deep down it wasn't a good idea for him to have something such as that around him. Not because he couldn't have it, but because of how he was currently feeling, there was no telling what he'd do without meaning to. That alone sounded horrible and he couldn't risk that. He was struggling to keep himself mentally insane. Kaoru didn't believe that a cat would help with that. Hell, he couldn't trust people anymore so why would anyone think to trust him to take care of an innocent creature that couldn't take care of itself? Seemed like such an odd misconception for him. Without warning, Kaoru had felt droplets of water fall on the back of his neck which sent a cold chill down his spine as he quickly sat up and rubbed that area. Looking up at the sky, he'd seen that it'd gotten darker.

Clouds covering the sky suddenly compared to before where it was brighter outside. Being so wrapped up in his own thoughts and feelings, he hadn't noticed the change in weather around him. It wasn't long before it'd begun to rain. Grabbing his school bag, he used it as a cover to protect himself from getting entirely drenched. As for the paper with the address on it, as much as it annoyed him, Kaoru grabbed it and balled it up in his hand before shoving it in his pocket. Whether or not he'd remember it later was up to how he felt. Right now, he reluctantly pushed himself to stand and leave. But instead of heading back to campus, he just decided it was best to head home. He was hardly in the best of moods to sit in class around other people. It's not as if they would call to ask why he was absent from the rest of his classes. He'll just miss today's assignments. 'It's fine, it's not the end of the world if I miss the rest of the day,' Kaoru thought solemnly as he'd reached the sidewalk path and began heading in the opposite direction to the nearest bus stop.





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